Monday, January 17, 2011

Time to break out the 5 Hour Energy and a positive attitude...Spring Semester is here!

Alright student parents! Time to put the holidays (and the break) behind us and get refocused. It is a whole new semester! If you are like me, being 4 more classes closer to my ultimate goal (graduation) is satisfying and exciting.

So, it has been a couple months since I wrote anything, but honestly nothing major has happened. (That and I haven't had time.) Thankfully I made all A's last semester, except for the one "Devil" class where somehow I managed to pull a B. I can deal w/ a B (this once...ha!). I'm weird about my grades. I just know how competitive it is out there, and I may have to use my GPA at some point to get my foot in the door. Therefore, I stress about my grades. Lame...but, I like to have all my bases covered.

What else have I been doing? Oh yeah, got rid of my psycho boyfriend of 4 years. Go Me! With my OCD about "having my bases covered," it's probably a good idea not to establish a long term relationship with someone who could possibly ruin my reputation or career. And how am I supposed to be an attorney or public figure with a "husband or significant other" who has an arrest record longer than my arm? How am I supposed to play a board member on a Non-Profit that advocates for victims of drunk drivers when the ex is on his 2nd or 3rd DUI? Realistically, not a good thing for me or the massive amount of ambition I have. Love truly blinds us all. Even emotionally detached me ;-). I am a firm believer that the decisions we make today will definitely impact our future (especially when it comes to people). Bye bye JBK!

What else? Well some of you know that I prepare taxes for a national tax company. I am normally in management, but this tax season (due to classes) I'm strictly a tax preparer. No more 70 hour work weeks for me! Although I will max about 40-50 hours a week at work, I still have 4 very demanding classes this semester. All classes that deal with numbers and computations. Should be interesting. Plus, I'm still trying to figure out when I'll be able to pencil in the following items: Studying, Kids, Food, and 4 hours of sleep. Love my life!

Well everyone have a great semester! Remember, success starts at home.