Friday, November 5, 2010

What Luxuries Are You Willing to Sacrifice?

I don't know about you, but I love pedicures! I know that may seem silly, (especially to the male readers) but getting a pedicure once every few weeks was just part of my routine. I would spend nearly $40 to have my FEET "prettied" up. Every six weeks I would have my hair done. Color, cut, wash....spent nearly $70-$100 having this done. At the time, these items of vanity felt like necessities. I actually budgeted for these items, like food or the mortgage.

Regardless, these types of luxuries are just not an option in my life anymore. I do occasionally have a pedicure or get my hair "refreshed," but not nearly as much as I used to. Pedicures are only for summer or when I know I have to wear opened toe shoes for an event. The highlights get touched up when I absolutely cannot go "zebra" any longer.

Sometimes I have to ask my children to sacrifice, as well. Asking them to give up extra curricular activities and/or fun is not an easy task. I HAD been able to give my children 10x the childhood I had, up until this point. They are used to receiving whatever they desire, but now they (against their will) have to sacrifice for the greater outcome of my decision to be a full-time student. Is it fair to them? Probably not, but I can always hope they gain a lesson or two from current events. I want them to understand that sacrifice and hard work is the only way to achieve great success. Plus, I try to remind them that there are children that have it far worse than they do. They don't completely understand this concept, but it's worth a try to diffuse the situation. Lol!

The point is that as a full time parent and student, most of us are sacrificing income and work hours to attend class in an already difficult economy. We are asking ourselves, as well as our children, to sacrifice enjoyments from our lives to benefit the greater outcome. Is it worth it? Only YOU can determine the answer.

For me (who has always been frugal anyway), it hasn't been that difficult. Although it can suck at times (because I do love a day at the salon), I know it won't always be like this. I think the kids know this too.

Other Items We Sacrifice:
1. Camel Lights for Pall Malls (Ha!)
--I could totally save my family $160 a month, if I didn't smoke. (working on this)

2. Hamburger for Steak
--We definitely eat at home a lot more. Eating out is not really an option (we used to eat out at least 4 times a week), but we don't really miss it all that much. You can't even imagine how much weight I've lost!

3. Weekends @ Home
--No more weekends going to movies, shopping, and having dinner at a restaurant. We are all content w/ watching movies on TV, playing video games, or just lounging. It's amazing how much money you save when you don't leave the house! Ha!

4. Medical and Dental
--Due to our financial situation and a job that's convenient (not loaded w/ benefits), we go without medical and dental. There are state programs (at least for the kids), but we're still waiting. Until then...we are uninsured.

5. Travel
--We don't do EXTREME family vacations, but over the summer we usually accomplish a theme park or something. Not this past summer. Mommy had classes.

6. Other
--I wax my own eyebrows now.
--Kalen has to use a store brand lotion and hydra-cortisone for her eczema instead of the really good stuff that actually stops the itching.
--Kai actually has to take better care of his stuff because it doesn't just get replaced by the "it's broken" fairy.
--Instead of buying new clothes for myself, I just wear the clothes Kalen doesn't like anymore and vice versa.