Monday, August 23, 2010

Fall Semester is Here...

Hope everyone had a great summer break! Considering I took a couple summer classes, my break was short lived. But that's ok!

I'm actually really excited about classes starting again this week. Ready to get this over with as soon as possible. The kids are excited that I will be in class when they are at school, so poor Kalen doesn't have to cook dinner twice a week (unless she wants to). I am also excited that now that I am divorced and do not use my ex-husbands income on my FAFSA, half of my tuition was FREE thanks to government grants. Always a light at the end of a dark tunnel...Yay!

If you haven't discovered for textbooks, you are really missing out! I saved over $500 on my books and every penny counts these days. The book stores are a racket! I cannot believe I wasted my money all these years.

This is a short update. Keep an eye out for my upcoming blog post concerning education loans and your credit in the next week or two. I'm going through an interesting situation with my credit, but I'd like to see how it plays out before I report anything.


  1. You will make an outstanding attorney. Hopefully I'll not need one. However, if I do, you're hired...:-) Congratulations on your successes at being a single mom and student. You're doing a great job!!! I'm very, very proud of you!!!

  2. Thank you so much for your vote of confidence!
