Wednesday, July 14, 2010

End of Semester Burn Out....

Ok, so we've got 2 more weeks left in the Summer Session and all momentum is lost.

All these major final projects are about to hit me really hard which will take my study time from "monstrous" to "horrific." The kids are definitely sick of having to deal with themselves while I'm locked away in my office, although I try really hard to fit something fun in on the weekend. They're poor summer is a joke because I just had to get a jump start on my classes at Purdue. They don't seem mad at me though, although their little sad faces are crying "come spend time with me, please." They are very understanding most times and try to make this transition in our lives as easy as possible for me.

My brain is spent! I am seriously looking forward to a little vacation time and my children are as well. Next semester I have 4 classes but these will be spread out over 16 weeks, so I think the pressure will cease a bit. Let's hope so, for fun sake. (and everyone's sanity)

Thanks for reading.

SIDE NOTE: My new blog will be starting in a couple weeks which will deal with politics and politicians. This venture will give me an opportunity to educate myself on current events, politicians, and the country as a whole. Hope you'll take a look because I'm sure my sarcastic demeanor will echo in this one. Yay for discussions that rile people up!

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