Monday, July 5, 2010

Happy 4th of July!

Well as we celebrate our Independence from Britain....(yes, I've been taking a General Business class with a historical agenda)...we should all take a moment and thank the men and women of this wonderful nation for keeping our freedom safe.

The weekend was good for my kids and I. I am currently enrolled in two summer classes (which are accelerated and kicking my butt). The holiday gave me a day off today, Monday July 5th, which has not actually been a day off at all. Although I did my best to get ahead before the holiday weekend, I find myself feeling a little tight on time with my assignments and reading. Perhaps I was not as ahead as I thought. I've had to read two chapters and take a Quiz. I'm also in the process of studying for midterms which are next week. So much for a day off!

However, I did get to spend some quality time with my kids this weekend. We purchased over priced fireworks and grilled out, all in the name of good fun. They are hating the fact I have been locked in my office all day studying. They want Mom to come back to the fun scene....immediately! Sorry Kids!

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