Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I Almost Smacked A 20 Year Old

Did someone really ask me today, "Why go to school at your age? Aren't you kind of old? Why not save your money for your child's college education?"

Really, dude?! First and foremost, this guy was probably 20 years old. As if anything he says to me, I will take to heart or into consideration. Basically he was telling me that I had my chance to go to college and at this point in my life, I'm wasting my money by attending college at 32. I should be saving for my kids' education instead of creating debt for my own and that I will be too "old" to use my education to it's full degree.

Yes, by the time I finish Law school and begin my career, my daughter will be getting ready to graduate high school. My loan repayment process will kick in at that point. So how will my daughter be able to go to college? First of all, I'll be a lawyer....I think I can afford it. Second, if she needs financial assistance, there (hopefully) will be Federal aid available to her, as there is for me. It will be cool!

My parents did not have some secret savings account set aside for my college tuition. They made college part of my life plan, but never planned out how they were going to pay for it. It just kind of happened the first time around. Now as an adult, I take advantage of every resource possible to pay my tuition.

Sure, going to college now is killing me...financially and family wise. I sacrifice tons of quality time with my kids to study and go to class. Do I think it's worth it? Hell Yeah!! My children will definitely be proud of my accomplishments in the end. They will realize and appreciate the sacrifices we all have to make for Mommy to do this. Plus, our lives will ultimately improve because of my college degree....financially and family wise.

So, "guy with an opinion about my decision to return to school," .... Bite Me! You have no idea what is really going on in the world today. You are barely out of high school and still riding the coat tales of your parents. With outlandish and bold statements such as the one you provided me today...I pray for you (and your future wife).

Thanks for reading.


  1. This guy has loads of living and learning to do! Look him up in 15 years and his tune will be different!

  2. I agree! He probably won't even finish, considering he barely attends class. Then he'll be the old guy in class...Ha!
