Saturday, July 10, 2010

"Project Working Mom"...Got to Love Free Money

Check out Project Working Mom if you are wanting to attend college online and need financial assistance. From my research, the scholarships are only good for a select number of online schools.

An online degree is becoming more and more popular; however, the cost can be outrageous (you have to pay for convenience). Make sure you check online schools for accreditation. You also want to make sure you have the self discipline to study online.

Also if you are not familiar with the Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) Program, this is a need based grant for low-income students wanting to finish college. I actually got this grant for 2010-2011 (cha-ching). It is basically paying for all my books. This grant goes through the US Department of Education and over 4000 colleges are participants. You have to fill out a FAFSA for this one, which I am a pro at doing (if anyone ever needs help).

Thank you Mr. President.

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